What is this?

aD is a small site that makes life for bigger entities in Eve-online easier. Most people know it for the participation links or the (local-) scans.

So who made this? and can I trust him?

I can answer the first first question but not the second. This site is made by me: hfo df (in game link). Living in Delve I fly around in Eve trying not to get killed.
How can I help?
Donate some ISK so I do not have to pursuit red crosses! Click the link above in game to find me.

How to use this site?

Best way to learn what it does? Just play around with it! Most pages have this () small icon explaining things if you point your mouse over it.


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The list below allows you to use a few tools with out registration. Because you are not logged in, whatever links you create or use will be visible to those people that you give the link to.

Eve API has seen better days Contact df#0666 on discord for ideas / questions / bugs / etc.